Thursday, April 21, 2011

NMW update

Today Rowan attended my NMW appointment with me.  It was an honor to have her join me at the appointment. 

It appears that pregnancy agrees with me......

Total weight gain since start of pregnancy I have gained a total of 7 pounds with an initial wt loss of 4 pounds.  So + 3.  (not that I am counting - I can run all I want after the baby is born)

Vitals -
HR 60
BP 100/60
RR 24 (ok I'm a bit of a retainer right now)

Rowan was able to hear the FHTs and was fascinated by all the NMW does in comparison to a doctor's visit.  She was struck mostly by the fact they "listen" and gave me a huge opportunity to ask as many questions as I wanted. 

The most interesting thing she liked was the Leopold's maneuver which apparently revealed I am measuring three weeks higher than I should be.  I could have told her the baby was high - but why my bladder still feels squished I'll never know.  I can barely run/walk a mile before I need to search for a port-a-potty and that's with a bathroom break prior to my workout. 

Two things you don't want to hear at your check up.  "well either your baby is 'BIG' or you might have two in there." 


I'm not questioning this beautiful gift that God gave us - but really?  I know that sometimes he does give us more than we think we can handle because he wants us to rely on him...  but twins? 

I guess the only thing left to say is - "Praise God" for a healthy pregnancy that seems to agree with me!

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