Thursday, September 15, 2011

Things that take me longer these days

After having a conversation with someone today, where I was questioned how long it took me to get ready and around "these days" (not that the person was prying they were actually trying to prevent me from coming in to work when I could have worked from home), I realized that my days of popping out of bed and heading out the door were no more.

Where did they go?  I'm pregnant - not a cripple!  I reviewed what my morning routine entails and I was appalled with the major time sucks:

  1. I wake up anywhere between 0400 and 0500, wide awake, relishing in my baby's movements - sometimes as if he or she is running a marathon in there.  
  2. My morning showers are a luxury to me.  I am in there for many more minutes, wasting water, than I need to be.  BUT, it wakes me up, soothes the baby (who is up and at it at 0500), and relaxes me.
  3. I wander from room to room getting ready.  I used to pop out of the shower, get dressed, put the make up on and blow dry the hair.  I now find myself getting half way dressed, fix the hair, put some make up on, finish fixing the hair, maybe get finished getting dressed... lets not forget all the stops for a glass of water, lingering on GMA or just plain laying back feeling the baby move.
  4. I am fragmented in my thought process (as if #2 pointed this out) and as much as I think I have my stuff together the night before (ha ha), I find it scattered all over.  Like getting ready in the AM, I wander from room to room, sometimes leaving the object I retrieved from the other room in the room I just retrieved another object.  
  5. Mentally - I am just not prepared to leave the house.  Laying back, feet up, feeling the baby move, reading a book and chilling - is what my mind set is these days.
 All of this is good - considering the time to when this baby shows up is winding down (minutes, hours, days... not weeks) - I imagine this is a natural part of the nesting syndrome preparing me for the blissful (sleep deprived) days of a newborn.


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