Today - at the bright hour of 0800 - my hubby and prego self trek'd on down to the OB unit at the hospital for an external version. I had tried to prepare myself for a crash c-section, successful version but induced labor or worse - a planned c-section d/t failed version. (A granola nut tree hugging woman like me with two water births under her belt and a combined total of 4 years of breast feeding was not digging these options).
There was a great deal of prayer going on in my house this weekend not to mention breech exercises and some humor provided by my girls. At one point I was laying with my feet in the air, on my bed, in the privacy (insert British accent) of my room, with Peter Gabriel playing at the pubic area and me massaging the baby towards the head down position, and in walked my lil Ro with her minions to stare at me. I heard one minion say "what's you mom doing" to which my reply was "trying to flip the baby - Rowan - please leave and shut the door."
The girls drew lovely lil arrows on my belly directing the baby to the head down position along with hearts and flowers and notes of love (this was the most wonderful thing they could have done to support me than anything else).
My hubby tried to do his best to support me but I could tell he was struggling to understand all that was concerning and upsetting to me (bless his heart).
We even did the casting of my belly - for fear that this would be the last weekend it was mommy and baby as opposed to mom and baby "insert girl or boy." I spent several alone minutes rubbing the belly, talking to my baby and praying I could give up control to God and relax.
We took many bump pictures and resolved ourselves that this was the last night as a family expecting.
Which brings me to this morning......
What's that you ask?????
That's a head - yup a head!
PRAISE GOD - a beautiful head in the HEAD DOWN position!
Did I mention this was BEFORE the version?
Yup - BEFORE the version!
this baby - smarter than you can imagine - by the Grace of God - flipped. He (or she) FLIPPED on his (or her) own!!!!
Ok, this is where I tell you that I:
a. didn't believe it and asked for three different US looks
b. knew exactly when it happened after it was confimred
c. CRIED - tears of joy, tears of faith and tears of anxiety leaving my body
Praise God for his continued Grace, Faithfulness and Control
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