Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Thinking Positive

So - I had a lapse of faith yesterday....  (to put it mildly).

After five years of hoping to be pregnant and five years of BFN's I have been a little on edge (again - putting it mildly).

I had some musculoskeletal back pain at work and remembered that I had totally forgot to wear my belly band.  I had texted my hubby the fact and he was so sweet - he brought me my belly band on his way to work.  I was so excited - and went into the bathroom to put it on.  I stepped into the band and wriggle it up over my scrubs only to experience bilateral groin pain that literally made me double over.


I tried to relax and tell myself it was normal but about an hour later I was convinced I was cramping and the back pain was worse.... 

So off to home and my bed I came in tears.  I'm twelve weeks - there is literally nothing to do but get off your feet and pray.

My dear friend from Michigan, my prayer partner for the past decade plus, called me and gave me a what for. 

I sought comfort in reading over the sermon notes from yesterday's message and felt like a complete DORK.  My hope lies in Christ alone - not in the certainty of man.  This baby is a gift from God, a testament of his faithfulness and I need to give my fears to him not the statistics of man, not the probabilities of miscarriage, and certainly not on the self doubt that satan plants in our heads. 

Attitude adjustment in place I started knitting a baby sweater - something I have not allowed myself to do because I have been so on edge.  It was like a breath of fresh aire.... 

Praise God!!!!

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