Monday, January 31, 2011


God never ceases to amaze me with his over abundance of Grace and Mercy!!!!  His sense of humor is strikingly comforting as well!

When I embarked on Running....  Praying...  and Knitting...  I had closed one door of my life and walked through another.

It turns out - Three weeks of nausea, extreme exhaustion and sliding running times and barely making my 5K's doesn't get you a cardiac consult - it gets you this......

Let me start from the beginning.......

I have been unbelievably exhausted, nauseated and having horrible running times for the past three weeks.

I refused to let myself "go there" and finally called my doc and asked for a "cards" consult since I was exhibiting common "chief complaints" of women with cardiac issues.

I would like to say he didn't utter a laugh - but he did.  He told me to "pee on a stick" first before he placed a Cards Consult.

This was on Friday - I was not about to "ruin" my weekend over yet another BFN prego test.  So - I waited all weekend thinking it would not ruin my weekend to have yet another BFN on the brain.

Saturday I could barely get out of bed and was unbelievably nauseated.

Sunday - I cried uncontrollably through the praise part of the service before and after.  We had a class at church later in the day and I was undeniably bi-polar about my culinary desires.  I chose a red raw roast beef sandwich and loved it (I do not like meat much less red roast beef) then wanted to strangle my hubby cause he wouldn't stop eating the fritos that made me want to wretch.

So - here arrives Monday Morning and I couldn't get the family out of the house quick enough this morning.  Once alone, in my home, I pulled the one lone test I had left just hanging around.

I can't even tell you the conversation I had with myself.  I kept saying "there is no way this is gonna be positive - no way - that doc is whacked and this is just a waste of my time OMG is that a pink line???"

It was a pink line......

And hence God shows his faithfulness and humor all at the same time!

Praise God!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Haircut from Hades

Let me start out by saying - I love my hair stylist!  She is the BOMB.  She has never done me wrong and always brings out the best in me.  She also makes me look like on hot, hip mama - which I am so not.  She is truly gifted at the art of looking at your facial features, your hair type and general demeanor and working magic.

Today - I went in for my "do" and was miserable the entire time!  As soon as she put the goopy dye on my the nape of my neck I felt ill.  Literally - I ran to the bathroom and was sick.  I barely made it through the entire "processing" of the goop.  At the hair washing I received a nice massage only it too made me sick.  At this point she threw away my DD coffee (to my horror) convinced the cream was bad which made me ill.  She finished the cut, I looked awesome (okay a little pasty) but was so happy to get moving in the direction of my home and bed.  I have never had a reaction like this and I am sure she is thrilled I didn't make an appointment to come back anytime too soon.....

It really was the weirdest thing....

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Over Christmas I knitted so many gifts that I decided to open up an etsy shop.  Yup - created my own account, paypal, and email acct for the store. 

With that said - everything I knit for the etsy store never was uploaded cause... I sold it all....

Here are some of my items that I now need to knit more of. 

Coffee cozy - which actually knits up fast and easy.......

Wrist Warmers with matching Ascott with bobbles....   personal fav

 A pink ascot - another personal fav - they are just cool looking - very feminine.

The biggest item are the cowls.  Those were huge - to the point that I don't think I even want to knit any more....

And I am onto socks - as they seem to soothe me....  But I started this task I need to finish it.....


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It is done!

After much running, praying and knitting I have updated my resume, created a cover letter and officially "popped" on the position.  I have taking a leap of faith, relying on God's direction, that this is the path i should take in my career.  This will either mean the rapid relocation of our family to another city looking for a completely different job or a step up to a new career. 

I am unbelievably at peace with this.  As a matter of fact that moment my hubby and I decided I should pop on this job back in December I was at peace.  I have not been this at peace in a long time. 

I look forward to the next few weeks and what it can only bring to our family!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


My ICE-STABILIZERS came!!!!!!!

Let the winter running resume!  You can't slow me down Chicago Winter!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Champagne Cupcakes and a Happy New Year

I'm not a huge Oprah fan - for multiple reasons to many for this post - but I enjoy a recent episode where she had the cupcake girls on who showed everyone how to make Champagne Cupcakes.  

I thought - how decadent and how lovely.  Just what I, as an adult starting the new year with new things, needs to have on New Years Eve.

So hard at work we were in the kitchen on the last day of 2010 mastering our cupcake techniques.  The girls and I kicked daddy out of the kitchen (actually sent him on an errand to the grocery store and Binny's to grab the ingredients needed to complete the decadent celebration.  Of course, the girls had virgin cupcakes which was fine with them.  

Really - how wrong can you go with cupcakes, strawberries, chocolate Ganache and FLUFFY BUTTER CREAM FROSTING?????

So hard at work, the girls put on their kewler than kewl chef aprons and got to work.  I have never seen them take so to a cooking task as they had with these cupcakes.  I was trying to master the butter cream and ganache - there were just trying to master cupcake decorating 101.

I think they did a darn good job - each and everyone was prettier than we expected and tasted just as delish as could be.

I wish I could say they made it to Midnight - but alas - it was the champagne cupcakes that lasted that long. 

I am not sure what I would have done without my lil executive cupcake chefs - but rest assured - cupcake making is in their future for 2011!

 So - while the cupcakes didn't quite make it to MN, the girls certainly did and made it then some! 

Happy New Year!  

We look forward to what 2011 has to offer!!!